Hello CentrePoint Family and Friends,
It just amazes me how the Lord pulls a church service together. What I mean is how He literally organizes a meeting from beginning to end. From the songs to the special words of knowledge and wisdom, to healing and to the preached word. God really shows us some tremdous things that keep us desiring Him more and more.
There have been a few times on a Sunday when our congregation as a whole has come together in harmony like what happened this past Sunday. I mean from the beginning of the service to the very end. We were on point worshipping the Lord, hearing His word and responding to His word.
As we have preaching and teaching about the Kingdom of God I hope that you have been doing your own studying about why the Kingdom of God is so important. Even as we looked at Daniel as he interpreted the king's dream, we saw how the Lord wanted to let the king know that the God of heaven was going to establish a kingdom that wouldn't be destroyed. But better than that, he also made it clear that this new kingdom would last forever.
If the kingdom Daniel talked about was never to be destroyed and would last forever, that means those who are citizens (born again) of the Kingdom of God today are in this kingdom. That's enough to shout about even right now! What we have to do now is exactly what Jesus instructed us to do, "seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness..." This is as real as it gets. What we're talking about here is the Old Testament and the New Testament testifying about a kingdom that was prepared for us who name the name of Jesus as Lord and savior. Daniel said that the God of heaven wouldn't give this kingdom to other people. We are certainly not the other people. We are His people called by His name for such a time as this. Can you see where God has brought us to? Can you see that as children of His kingdom we have been chosen by Him? Can you see that what we're learning now about who we are as citizens of the Kingdom of God is extremely valuable? The value we place on our citizenship is solely based on what we truly understand about it.
I want to encourage you to not lean to your own understanding but trust in what the word of God says about you and the things that pertain to your life. I know it might seem uncomfortable at first but remember we are the just and we live by faith. It's not about what we see in the natural that moves us. It has to be what we hear and respond to in the word. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.
Believe me, we're living in a new day that's totally unlike the way it was years ago. Things are changing drastically in our economy and with the morality of our country. We are right in the midst of a time when change for good is being looked for from all angles. Know that God has given CentrePoint a vision to "Change Our Cities For Jesus" for a reason. Can you see it? We would be fooling ourselves if we ever thought we could change our cities in our own strength. It will absolutely take God doing it through each and everyone of us.
In closing let me say this. God started a work in you and me for a reason. That's to complete it. He didn't start a good work within our church to abandon it. He hasn't revealed Himself to us like He has to let us keep Him to ourselves. Our King has made known to us that He wants the very best for us so we can serve those He brings across our paths with the best He has given us.
Stay blessed,
Pastor Cedric
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