Monday, September 17, 2007

The Lord is truly good

Hello CentrePoint Family and Friends,

The Lord truly is good. He has been doing some great and unusual things in our midst. Since we’ve been learning more about the Kingdom of God, we’ve seen the Lord move on our hearts to be used to provide a seed offering for the widows and single women of our congregation. Then through a simple illustration, the Debt Elimination Project was birthed. Can you imagine an entire congregation debt free? That would definitely be a “God thing.”

It’s been my desire for the Lord to show us ways of practically putting the principles of the Kingdom of God into action. All we’ve really been doing is taking the word at face value and trusting God for the results.

*We’ve seen God supply seed to the sower and also multiply the seed they’ve sown.

*We’ve seen signs follow the word immediately after the word was preached about believing for debt elimination. There hasn’t been an offering received yet and people are giving freely to a project that they have caught the vision for.

*We’re seeing our church facilities take on a whole new look which we hope expresses a heart of excellence and reverence for the Lord’s House.

*We’re seeing people changing right before our eyes. They’re prospering and being in health because they’re souls are prospering.

*We’re seeing new people coming and receiving the word and being ministered to on a consistent basis.

Overall the Lord has truly been showing us things we’ve been dreaming of.
We’re a church moving forward with a new attitude. We’re becoming believers who are learning to walk our talk. This is truly an exciting time.

In closing, I want to ask you to continue to pray that the Lord continues to reveal to us His Kingdom ways and we respond in faith to please Him in all we do. This simple prayer will cause us to walk in newness of life like never before. It’s time for us as citizens of the Kingdom of God to demonstrate to the world around us that we are not of this world but truly citizens of another kingdom, THE KINGDOM OF GOD…

Stay blessed,

Pastor Cedric

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