Saturday, November 12, 2011

Week #2 of 21 Days of Prayer

Hello CentrePoint Family,

Below is an except of the bulletin insert for Sunday November 6, 2011. 21 Days of United Prayer is happening now. Please join us. We need you.

This is the second week of our 21 Days of United Prayer.

Here's the schedule for November 13-19, 2011

Sunday 13th

Ron Williams

Monday 14th
Alberta Allison

Tuesday 15th
Barbara & Al Bain

Wednesday 16th

Isatta Conteh and Janice Polk

Thursday 17th

Rosemary Juarez
Shannah Ortega

Friday 18th

Brian & Hilda Irish

Saturday 19th

Pearl Loera
Deborah Jones

Additional information will be posted for those we'll be praying for this week and the following week. Be sure to check the blog for updates on the areas of prayer being requested. Remember we are using Matthew 6:9 - "The Lord's Prayer" as our model prayer targeting the individuals and families we're praying for.

Stay blessed,

Pastor Cedric
909 263 4569
Skype: cedreynolds

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