Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Things are coming together

Hello CentrePoint Family and Friends,

It's great to see how things are coming together on the 1st phase of our remodeling project. We're just about done. This one last push to get the chairs will pretty much wrap things up. Thanks so much for all you've done so far. Not only are we being blessed, it will definitely be a blessing to all those who visit and become apart of what we're doing.

This is just a short note. I want to also remind you that it's our passionate vision to see our cities changed for Jesus. We start with the allowing the Lord to continually change us. We're changing from faith to faith and glory to glory. As we change, we'll see more and more people changed by the power of the life changing Word of the Living God.

In closing, would you please join me praying for our congregation. As things are progressing in our sight, we want to always remember that it's about our souls prospering more so than being recipients of material gain. Soul prosperity is a major key to being able to handle the circumstances of life and win the battles of life. While we're seeing great success in the area of the physical appearance of our church, know that we must continue to please the Lord through faith by hearing and responding to Him everyday.

We've come a long way and we have a long way to go. Let's not grow weary while we're doing so well. It's God's plan that we reap a harvest of great reward to extend His Kingdom. Thank you in advance for your prayer for your brothers and sisters.

Stay blessed,

Pastor Cedric

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